What is Leap

Those with lived experience of mental illness are often best placed to support others through difficult times. Here at Mind in Tower Hamlet & Newham, we provide training and support to those who want to become Peer Leaders, so that they can help others and help themselves through developing their leadership skills.

Get involved

Become a Peer Leader

As a peer leader you will have the opportunity to support others and lead your own group with professional support and training. You will have the opportunity to make a difference and help change lives, as well as increase your own skills, self-esteem and confidence.

What is required? There is a 5 day induction and an expected commitment to deliver your own group, course or activity over the period you wish it to run, that can range from three months of 3hrs per week or longer.

After the induction, you have FREE access to over 50 online courses for your personal development with the Me Learning University – see this page for more details.

How do I find out more? You can read more about the role through our information leaflet, the role description and these considerations

How do I apply? Complete our application form and Equality And Diversity Monitoring Form or ring us on 020 7510 1081 to complete an application. We will review your application and, if agreed, will invite you to meet with staff in person to discuss any preparations.

Supporters, Funders & Awards