Our service is for you if you:

  • You are a resident of Newham
  • Accessing adult mental health services
  • Want support to secure paid employment

We can help you in the following ways:

  • Focused one-to-one support on accessing paid work
  • Regular meetings with your Employment Specialist
  • Support in preparing for an application writing a CV and job seeking
  • Confidence to talk about any gaps in your CV and periods of absence
  • Exploring transferable skills, experience and expertise
  • Preparing for interviews and getting through the recruitment process
  • Benefits advice and information
  • ‘In-Work’ support once you access employment and continued career development coaching,
  • Support with reasonable adjustments and advice
  • A personalised plan to make the most of your new opportunity.

More information can also be found by visiting NHS ELFT Newham IPS Employment page here.

We offer a range of support which includes:


Information resource for clinicians 

Supporters, Funders & Awards