Our Voices – Listening, Learning and Leading
MITHN is committed to ensuring that services are accessible and culturally appropriate for the diverse communities in the boroughs we work in. As a part of our on going commitment we have developed our “Our Voices” services which aims to ensure that we reach into “seldom heard” communities which experience challenges, disadvantage and lack of access to Mental Health support and services.
Our Voices – Sakinah Project
We are really pleased that we have been awarded a grant through National Mind to continue to support and deliver our work with access and engagement for diverse Muslim women in Tower Hamlets, Newham & Redbridge.
We have worked with local Mosques, local community groups, local organisations and local Muslim women to set up 6 safe spaces in Newham, Redbridge & Tower Hamlets.
Our model of in reach, access and engagement enables women who haven’t accessed mental health services to raise their voices about what matters to them the most.
We work in collaboration with Muslim women through the mosque and have delivered a 8 week programme of mental health awareness workshops, incorporating faith and culture.
We support local Muslim women to share and learn from each other about mental health and wellbeing and to coproduce their own faith based wellbeing toolkit.
If you are interested in joining our network and you want support the mental health and wellbeing of yourself, your family and the wider community, you can contact us on: 0207 510 1081 or email [email protected]