Scott Littleton – A Grim Journey

During our time at the Rotary in London conference, we met an amazing couple – they came over and spoke to us about their son, Scott. They talked to us about his experience of mental health and how they really connected to us speaking at the conference. They told us that Scott had used writing as an outlet for his mental health and how it had greatly helped him. We got given a copy of Scotts book, which he has published. We said we would be happy to promote him and his work! So please read on to find a bit more about the author, Scott:

My name is Scott Littleton. I am 37 years old and have been living with mental health issues for most of my life.

I was born in Enfield, North London in 1983, living in the borough for over 30 years before moving with my parents to Ware in Hertfordshire.

Throughout my life I have suffered from severe depression and anxiety while recently being diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Mental illness has had a great impact upon my life, affecting all I do, from pulling myself out of bed in the morning through coping with my worries, anxieties and compulsions over the course of a day.

I started writing as a way to work through the goings on inside my head with no real aim of writing an entire book. The main character, Luther is certainly a projection of my own character, exhibiting a lot of the issues that I deal with. He goes on a journey to find out more about why he feels like he does. It was very much a cathartic process and helped me to understand a little bit more about myself. 

I hope that if even a little bit, if this speaks to someone reading it, that it might provide some comfort to them. Hopefully it is a pretty interesting story as well.

You can buy Scotts book here.

Posted on: 2nd November 2021

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