Annual General Meeting 2019

We were delighted to welcome over 60 people to our AGM this year.  We had the opportunity to hear from some of our Creative Writers who read some of their fabulous work.  We also had an uplifting and motivational speaker called Augusto D. Mello who talked about living an ‘Extraordinary Life’ that survival was not enough, about being ‘Radical about your own wellbeing’ and about hope.

We were delighted to present our new Annual Report as well as launch our new Website – and to talk about our new and exciting project called Safe Space Community which will soon be launched.

We were happy to report a successful year with regard to our finances with a £16,000 surplus.

Thank you to those who came out on the cold November evening and for our staff, volunteers, peer workers, sessional staff and trustees, without  whom we could not deliver such a wide range of fantastic services.


Posted on: 15th November 2019

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